Sunday, October 10, 2010


Let’s build something tangible.

This article was long due from my side. This is part of my story to why I choose to be an entrepreneur .It may not apply to everyone, but if you have a dream and not made up your mind then give it a thought.

An American author Les Brown has told "Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears." Let me modify it a bit "Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living others dreams." That’s exactly what many of us are doing. Have we ever tried to answer some of the most important questions which shape our lives?Let’s do it.

1. What are we doing?

We work work work and work. We work day in and day out. We go early and stay late at office. Put in our extra effort to make things happen. Our work has effected our lives to a greater extent. It commands us rather we commanding it. All said and done I am not against it any day, but who is reaping fruits of our hard work? Are we getting what we are suppose to get? That’s exactly what my second question is.

2. What are we getting?

Hmmm... well! A five/six digit pay check? A Flat? A Four wheeler? An expensive Holiday trip to Newyork or anywhere for that matter? Yes we are capable of spending for all of those but only on EMIs, which will stretch to years together. We can’t even afford any of them at a single shot and that’s where it ends more or less. Is it worth working for whatever we are getting?

3. How long will it last?

Believe it or not six out of ten people are just a paycheck away from being homeless. Many of us scramble from paycheck to paycheck. No matter what our position is and no matter what the size of our paycheck is. Isn’t it strange that we work for decades and cant even manage a year if we quit our job today.

So, why work this way? If we should work anyways then lets work for ourselves, lets make ourselves more powerful and more independent. Let’s build something tangible, something which creates true value. And ofcourse for that you will have to work more harder than what you are working now and you will get much lesser than what you are getting now , But yes it will last more longer and it will be more valuable.

Wonderful thought by a student .

“It's better to live a few years of yours life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t”

Let's do it!!

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